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  1. K

    45yo female beginner wants to lose weight and get stronger

    @mika2020 I started my journey 6lbs lighter than you and I'm the same height. I started using MFP to track calories and when I made myself accountable to write EVERYTHING down, I realized how much grazing I was doing. I've already lost 6lbs with no changes in activity and just sticking to my...
  2. K

    Down to the last few pounds. 1200 calories made me feel like crap, but not losing weight if I ate any higher. Advice please?

    @inquirer2016 If you are looking for lower calorie foods to keep you full for your calorie goal, check out /r/1200isplenty It is a great sub, even if you are not interested in sticking to 1200 calories a day. I have found ways to add a ton of volume to my food for the day so that I am always...