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  1. J

    Body fat is too damn high - tips to get it down?

    @babablacksheep Since you’re new to lifting you’ll be able to gain muscle and lose fat at the same time for awhile. I would focus on eating most if not all whole foods (with plenty of protein) and drinking lots of water. Don’t worry so much about calories, just eat whole foods until you’re full...
  2. J

    Body fat is too damn high - tips to get it down?

    @babablacksheep It’s hard to picture a 5’8” person being fat with a beer belly at 145 pounds. You just have virtually no muscle. It’s possible all the running has caused you to shed muscle instead of fat. The best way to transform your body from fat to fit is to do he’s y weight training and...
  3. J

    If I train a muscle every 4 days I’m sore for 2-3 days after. If I train a muscle once a week I’m sore for 5-6 days after. Anyone else like this?

    @mrbrain I’ve just never met anyone like me who is sore a full 5-6 days when they train a muscle once a week.
  4. J

    If I train a muscle every 4 days I’m sore for 2-3 days after. If I train a muscle once a week I’m sore for 5-6 days after. Anyone else like this?

    @tomasjr I’ve had DOMS like this since I was 17 years old. I’m 43 now. It’s always been this way. The only thing that makes the DOMS better is training more frequently.
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    If I train a muscle every 4 days I’m sore for 2-3 days after. If I train a muscle once a week I’m sore for 5-6 days after. Anyone else like this?

    @waterfall123 I’ve been training for 26 years and it happens no matter what my routine is. I do about 6-9 sets per muscle currently which isn’t over training. Additionally, the more frequently I train a muscle the quicker DOMS ends. If it was overtraining, training more wouldn’t help me like it is.
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    If I train a muscle every 4 days I’m sore for 2-3 days after. If I train a muscle once a week I’m sore for 5-6 days after. Anyone else like this?

    @jainty123 I’ll give that a try. We have a hot tub that we turn down to 80 and make it a make shift pool in the summer, so I can also try hopping in there to cool my legs.
  7. J

    If I train a muscle every 4 days I’m sore for 2-3 days after. If I train a muscle once a week I’m sore for 5-6 days after. Anyone else like this?

    @ginnyweasley1222 Ah ok. I do that already but maybe I need to do more/longer amount of time. .
  8. J

    If I train a muscle every 4 days I’m sore for 2-3 days after. If I train a muscle once a week I’m sore for 5-6 days after. Anyone else like this?

    @ginnyweasley1222 When do you do that? Immediately after the workout? A day or days after?
  9. J

    If I train a muscle every 4 days I’m sore for 2-3 days after. If I train a muscle once a week I’m sore for 5-6 days after. Anyone else like this?

    @thesacredbeautiful I’m decently strong for my age, but even when I was younger and not as strong I had the same issue. Literally had it since day 1. It’s some sort of genetic thing or some sort of biological deficiency.
  10. J

    If I train a muscle every 4 days I’m sore for 2-3 days after. If I train a muscle once a week I’m sore for 5-6 days after. Anyone else like this?

    @ginnyweasley1222 Depends. Most of the time both are pretty good, but I’ve had periods where they were really good and periods where they were really bad and it didn’t change my level of soreness.
  11. J

    If I train a muscle every 4 days I’m sore for 2-3 days after. If I train a muscle once a week I’m sore for 5-6 days after. Anyone else like this?

    I’ve been training for 26 years and it’s always been this way. Curious if others have the same issue. I like training a muscle every 4 days so I’m not as sore, but I’m getting old (43) and I lift heavy weights and it’s taking it’s toll on me. About to switch to doing a muscle once a week to give...