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  1. K

    Safest pressing exercise for shoulders

    @destinyrealized you basically need to reboot and start over with costochondritis. Steven Low has talked about this so many times. i got stupid with dips once (max test strict, then frog kip and swinging dip on rings with ample rest to compare) i think i logged this on the CF forum back then...
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    Doing c/f strength, not sure when to do conditioning

    @ghb That doesnt look very brutal imo. Kind of like a 2 exercise 531 split. Can you do CF on Saturday? You could try doing CF classes on TuTh maybe even Sa or just take off the weekend after 5 days of training.
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    Shoulders limiting Kipping Pull-ups and T2B movement

    @bablakirchin22 1st step: 25-50 Kip/Beat Swings just hanging. When your shoulders are more mobile, they can store and release more energy from the kip besides if your technique is efficient enough. obviously there are a zillion mobility guides and videos and videos on how to do a basic CF...
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    Castro: "Main site programming, games site visit, 5k run at the games, heavy day and 'metcon'."

    @grace4nan we need a basketball event like this from "Escape from LA" Decent workout I used to do on Sundays at CAL in the rec sport gym. With no shot clock lol It would be great for some lulz like the softball throw
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    Castro: "Main site programming, games site visit, 5k run at the games, heavy day and 'metcon'."

    @onedayworthy Didn't even knew he came out with a book. Am aware of his socials
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    Castro: "Main site programming, games site visit, 5k run at the games, heavy day and 'metcon'."

    @grace4nan this is the first time I've ever heard of Castro having a daughter though my navy buddy just told me he knew he did
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    How I build a base phase for QF crossfit athlete

    @matthew514 i would wonder how wide their hand placement is.
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    Deadlifts *always* hurt my lower back

    @stthomaschristian not uncommon in my experience with women, especially longer legged ones. we had some who would sumo instead or just be careful with hinging stuff because at the end of the day they were general trainees not competitive WLers/PLers/athletes in another sub, you are listed at...
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    Supplement Q

    @saron could try /supplements particulary thermogenics which can help burn fat a smidge extra a day (100-200calories)
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    International Functional Fitness Federation 'Reach For The Rings' documentary extended trailer

    @dom77 APT was the guy who made BFK pullups if I remember.
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    Supplement Q

    @dawn16 SARMs are a grey area in legality (besides competition), and likely not safe (at all) in the long term. especially for those with cancer risks.
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    International Functional Fitness Federation 'Reach For The Rings' documentary extended trailer

    @space769 he did a few levels of Poliquin way back in the day. I remember it was under his accreditations.