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  1. T

    Joined a great gym but I’m embarrassed that I’m last at everything

    @angie032386 I am about 9 months in. When I started, I was absolutely last. I’m typically middle of the pack (the scaled pack). If I RX, I am closer to last. There is the occasional workout that is in my wheelhouse and I get in the top few but that is few and far between. 9 months in, I can go...
  2. T

    Overhead squats makes me so f**king angry

    @mksamas I struggle with the mobility that is necessary for OHS. If I see them or snatches on the menu for the day, I take about 20 minutes to stretch beforehand. I put my back on a medicine ball. I reach back to an empty barbell, snatch grip width. I then work towards getting my ass on the...