Search results

  1. J

    F/38/5'6/120lbs - Total beginner looking for insight / perspective from more seasoned fitness nerds

    @radekm I would advise checking with a doctor/trainer on that one. Personally, I don't notice any strain in my shoulders when I deadlift, but I don't have a rotator cuff injury. One legged deadlifts may be an option to work the same muscle groups with less/no weight, but I won't claim to be an...
  2. J

    F/38/5'6/120lbs - Total beginner looking for insight / perspective from more seasoned fitness nerds

    @radekm Full disclosure, I'm relatively new myself, but I've been fitness nerding the heck out of it for a few months now, so I'll share what I've learned. Also, I'm a dude, so my experience will obviously be different from yours. Weight training is gonna change your body shape more than...
  3. J

    How does everyone balance all their fitness needs as you age?

    @bridgida Hey, good on you for taking your health back. I'm coming from a similar spot. 35, 5'6", 200+ lbs, kids, full time job, previously fit. I made fitness a non negotiable priority, so acknowledging that and making it happen is step one. I get about an hour in 5-6 days a week. I...