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  1. E

    Progress update using RP Hypertrophy app (Week 5 of 6)

    @zhuru523 From a feedback standpoint based on what you told me I would definitely look to start with a lower weight load the first week that you might perceive is “too light”. I like to take the first week as more of an experimental week, especially if I’m doing exercises that are completely new...
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    Progress update using RP Hypertrophy app (Week 5 of 6)

    @somberry I agree and I’m not someone who normally would consider spending $30/month on an app, but training is a huge hobby of mine and something I would like to make a career out of. I see this app as a way for me to learn the modalities of volume programming and progression, while also...
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    Progress update using RP Hypertrophy app (Week 5 of 6)

    @amelia97 Agree although I think it’s definitely a mix of muscle memory/ new gain’s because quite frankly a lot of the exercises I’m performing (Like dips) are exercises that I’ve never performed before but specifically programmed this time to do things like increase my bench for example. I want...
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    Progress update using RP Hypertrophy app (Week 5 of 6)

    Today marks my last day of week 5 of my week 6 mesocycle using the RP Hypertrophy App. Here is my progress within this timeframe: Incline bench: Week 1= 145x5 | Week 5= 175x5 Weighted Dips: Week 1= 25lbsx5 | Week 5= 55x9 Weighted Pull-ups: Week 1= 7.5lbsx8 | Week 5= 27.5x8 Tricep Pushdown...
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    RP Hypertrophy App Update, Mesocycle 3

    @gnosisofthomas I designed my own custom routine although they do have preset routines for just upper body. My goals were more oriented towards building chest, arms, and shoulders in that order.
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    RP Hypertrophy App Update, Mesocycle 3

    @cattat I’ve been using the app and this is week 5 of 6 week mesocycle. I have improved on every lift so far and have gained noticeable size. Dips: 25lbs x 5 reps week 1 to 55lbs x 9 week 5 Incline Bench: 145x5 week 1 to 165 x 5 week Weighted pull-ups: 7.5lbs x 8 week 1 to 27.5lbs x 8 week 5...
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    Progress update using RP Hypertrophy app (Meso 3 of 4)

    @fivesenses I see what you mean, I’ll take this into account for my next mesocycle although here is some food for thought as well: Everyone has different capacities to handle fatigue throughout training. So although you are right in that regard, could you argue that it won’t be the same for...
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    Progress update using RP Hypertrophy app (Meso 3 of 4)

    @emmierose80 I understand completely, I should have added that I start this exercise fresh into my workout right when I start. So my first exercise of the day is incline dumbbells, where I have the most energy and therefore can do the exact same reps and weight.
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    Progress update using RP Hypertrophy app (Meso 3 of 4)

    @miles44 I can gauge my RIR pretty easily and pick the load pretty accurately to be able to maintain my reps throughout. I determine my RIR based on: My previous lifting data from prior mesocycles. How I maintain my technique during my lift and my rep tempo as I approach the desired rep goal...
  10. E

    Progress update using RP Hypertrophy app (Meso 3 of 4)

    Today marked my last day of my third, 6 week mesocycle using the RP Hypertrophy App. Here is my progress on a few exercises within this timeframe: Dumbbell Incline bench: Week 1= 65lbs x 8 | Set 1 | 3 RIR 65lbs x 8 | Set 2 | 3 RIR 65lbs x 8 | Set 3 | 3 RIR Week 5 = 70x9,8,7 within 3 total...