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    How do you respond (and deal with it internally) when someone asks you if you are “still lifting”?

    @danielkibby Had a really good example of this the other day. I am a physical therapy student (soon to be PT, graduation is in 3 days). Was off campus for the past two semesters, away on clinical rotations. Only faculty interaction I had over those two semesters was with my advisor. Last time...
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    Mini cut complete, 221 -> 201 Lbs in 15 weeks

    @idk332 You know you're good when the comment section gets Thanos snapped
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    Does anyone else think that the leg press is a superior quad builder compared to conventional barbell squats?

    @jinxy Will squats blow your legs up? Yes. Will Leg Press blow your legs up? Yes Where the leg press has an edge over the barbell squat is the stability that comes with them like you mentioned. On the barbell squat, for most people systemic fatigue will occur before reaching mechanical...
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    Small waist

    @schubert As many people have said below, you can't change your bony structure and musculature insertions. That being said, we can alter the size of our muscles to give the appearance of a more narrow waist. Up top, bigger delta (especially lateral delta), chest, and traps will give you more...
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    Daily meal review

    @galatians220lyric Metabolism can reduce with age, but this is more likely related to factors associated with getting older (less active, less muscle mass), rather than just "getting older" You say you feel like shit on a carb restrictive diet, which most people do being that carbs are a...
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    Daily meal review

    @galatians220lyric It sounds like you did this for one day? If that’s the case, the “leaned down” look is likely in your head. Additionally, if this was for one day, you’ll likely get sick of it real quick, as it doesn’t seem very sustainable. Lastly, starting a cut at this low of a cut...