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    CrossFit Newbie Having Major Anxiety

    @oceanoasis When you feel like you've done badly on the WOD or are the last one finishing by a mile it can make you feel so stupid and anxious. Because you feel as though everyone is judging you and thinking poorly of you. Which is usually not the case at all! Your box sounds awesome in...
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    CrossFit Newbie Having Major Anxiety

    @dawn16 Twins!! 😂😂 The bruises I get in odd places are something else. I once got my tights stuck getting off the assault bike mid WOD!! Accidentally hit myself on the inner thigh doing KB swings.... The stories we can tell! I'm with you, It really is the best fun. I love that every week I get...
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    CrossFit Newbie Having Major Anxiety

    @smultronst%C3%A4llet I makes the world of difference! When I started I got totally confused by the alphabet soup (love this!!) - power clean, hang power clean, clean and jerk, muscle clean 🤯🤯🤯 I felt like the member of the dance troop that was always a few seconds behind as I figured out what...
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    CrossFit Newbie Having Major Anxiety

    @simplymeandhe Oh i feel this all the time and I've been doing Crossfit now for 18 months (give or take a couple of pandemic months). I am a book worm. I'd rather be reading a book and drinking wine. I'm clumsy and uncoordinated. My coach is wonderful, the other athletes super supportive and I...