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    Insatiable appetite since I started lifting

    @ridoy002 My usual workout is 1 hour ish of lifting then a 20ish minute swim and I am constantly ravenous so I think I might have some kind of monster hybrid hunger lol :-D
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    Insatiable appetite since I started lifting

    @nerissa1969 Aye, masks do make you more dry in the mouth. I'm quite aware of hydration as my other thing I do is swimming and I found I have to really watch that I drink water while on a longer swim - you don't notice the sweat and also your face is in the water so you don't get a dry mouth -...
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    Insatiable appetite since I started lifting

    @jacksoncris I'd up to 3 if you can - remember it doesn't have to all be water, the liquid in shakes etc all counts. It's kinda personal though but unless you take it to gallons a day, the more the better!
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    Insatiable appetite since I started lifting

    @jacksoncris Awesome tips in this thread! Just to add two things of my own: Drink so much water! No, more than that! ;-) I had no idea how dehydrated I was getting because lifting doesn't make me thirsty in the way hard cardio does - so I make sure I drink two of my water bottles (I think it is...
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    Very uplifting article I found about female strength training. Belief in yourself and your abilities is so important!!

    @nerissa1969 I am benching in about an hour and going to try for a new personal best, I might just shout 'ABSOLUTE MAXXXXXX' to hype myself up :-D Edit: Yaaaaas! FINALLY managed a 100lb (45kg) bench press! 2 actually :-D
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    Very uplifting article I found about female strength training. Belief in yourself and your abilities is so important!!

    @christi79 I loved this - I saw it a couple weeks ago and it really inspired me to be a bit more fearless. My mindset kinda switched from 'ummm I guess I'll try' to 'FUCK YEAH! I CAN TOTALLY LIFT THAT!' :-D I mean sometimes I can't and I have to do the Wriggle of Shame out from under the...
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    Fit/active women of Reddit, what’s your weekly exercise routine like?

    @jasrocaby It works for very, very much older kids too! I did a lovely yoga practice with my mum when I went to visit over the holidays. She's in her 60s and I am 38 and we had a lovely bonding moment :-D