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    Progress Report: Getting fit & healthy while having a full-time sedentary job

    @contemplatingfarmer You look great! I've also gained weight since getting a desk job (closer to 30 pounds, here...), and I want to lose it, but I'm worried about losing all my free time to sleep/working out. What does your free time schedule look like? (For context, I work 8 hour days with a...
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    New Year’s Resolution & 2024 Fitness Goals Megathread

    @bishop Hey, I have the same 2024 goals as you! ... Without any of the 2023 accomplishments, but half twinsies! I have about 40 pounds to lose, which seems like a lot for a year. I'd like to do a real pushup (ideally 5)- my chest is super tight/weak so I can't get anywhere near 90°, but some...
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    Which documentaries or videos helped motivate you greatly in taking health/fitness seriously?

    @savedsue Quick point, Brittany Runs a Marathon isn't a documentary. I found it motivational, and its a good watch, but definitely fictional. However, if you do end up watching it and liking it, Run Fatboy Run with Simon Pegg is a slightly similar premise and also funny as heck :P I'll throw...