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  1. M

    New to doing push-ups…arms shake and feel super week for a long time

    @dawn16 Got it. I think I’m aware of the point where I push my body too far…and will continue to focus on that!
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    New to doing push-ups…arms shake and feel super week for a long time

    @dawn16 Speaking of shoulders…I’ve always had shoulder issues from tennis and baseball. My rotator cuffs are cooked and pretty sore after every and any workout 😂 however, it’s just soreness. No serious pain, so should I continue what I’m doing as long as it just causes dull soreness, since it’s...
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    New to doing push-ups…arms shake and feel super week for a long time

    @dawn16 OP here: Interestingly, I did overhead tricep extensions yesterday and that’s the only thing that has given me next-day soreness in my triceps. But I try to avoid them since they’ve given me elbow issues in the past
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    New to doing push-ups…arms shake and feel super week for a long time

    @peninah How many reps and sets would you recommend doing
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    New to doing push-ups…arms shake and feel super week for a long time

    @fire77 Appreciate the encouragement!! For once I am truly set on being patient in this process, so I’m not expecting any immediate results or anything. In the past I’ve quit after a week, but I’ve built some other “long term” habits over the past 6 months so I know that as long as I give it the...
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    New to doing push-ups…arms shake and feel super week for a long time

    @raymo Sounds good! And yeah, I wasn’t planning on using any supplements unless I really get into it. Was more-so concerned about whether or not the weakness meant I would not be getting stronger. Because weakness with no soreness made me think that I wasn’t making small gains…but I’ve read that...
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    New to doing push-ups…arms shake and feel super week for a long time

    @sheradon Thank you man! My muscles feeling so weak afterward feels counterintuitive, but everyone is in agreement that it is a good thing. I’m assuming the soreness will come later on, because I haven’t had much of it yet in my triceps (a lot in chest and shoulders). I have already added...
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    New to doing push-ups…arms shake and feel super week for a long time

    @debro Yeah at some point I will probably get a gym membership, but for now I’m super busy and am only 80-90% dedicated to doing this stuff long term…if I see improvements in strength and slightly muscle gains after a month or two I’ll likely go to the gym over the summer and really, really...
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    New to doing push-ups…arms shake and feel super week for a long time

    @biblethumper7 My plan (as long as my body feels good to go each day) is to do Push-ups twice a week, Pull-ups twice a week, and squats twice a week. Sundays off. Now, I’ll start by acknowledging that these probably shouldn’t be the only things I’m doing — but I’m just starting out so it’s...
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    New to doing push-ups…arms shake and feel super week for a long time

    @kirraantrobus I should have included that information - I’ve been working out for just 1 week. I will definitely make sure to take rest days, but I think I can confidently say whether I took significantly more rest days I’d still be shaking after every set at this point in time because I’m...
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    New to doing push-ups…arms shake and feel super week for a long time

    @desar86 I have begun implementing a routine of different muscle groups thanks to your comment and others’! Just for clarification, I am able to do the 3x10 of Normal push-ups (maybe more like 3x8 now that I am using proper form with elbows not flared) — it’s just that those last 10 make my arms...
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    New to doing push-ups…arms shake and feel super week for a long time

    @junebug72 Ah, that makes a lot of sense. I played tennis for a while so I always viewed DOMS as a good thing, but ofc my leg and forearm muscles were built up at that point. I was worried the weakness was a bad thing, but it makes sense that it might actually be GOOD, as well as the lack of...
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    New to doing push-ups…arms shake and feel super week for a long time

    @djs4him Gotcha. I’ll give that a go! And others have mentioned I can do that, or I can do full set of normal and then work my way down to easier variations…I’m going to experiment a bit and see what works for me.
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    New to doing push-ups…arms shake and feel super week for a long time

    @agustin956 You nailed 2 of the bigger issues I’ve been trying to address: not breathing enough/properly and not tightening my core. All things considered I humbly believe my form to be decent (elbows not flared, body straight as possible, chest to the floor then all the way up, taking it slow —...
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    New to doing push-ups…arms shake and feel super week for a long time

    @ggg17 I appreciate the advice! I’ve tried to avoid working out when my arms still feel weak, I only work out if there’s mild soreness that doesn’t give me major pain or prevent me from completing the sets.
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    New to doing push-ups…arms shake and feel super week for a long time

    @thesimpsonslover1 Yessir 🔥 have been planking for 1 minute on days where my body feels good enough. Although because I’m pretty light weight to begin with, they tend not to be terribly difficult. I’m going to try the side plank or one-leg lifted and see if it engages my core more.
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    New to doing push-ups…arms shake and feel super week for a long time

    @dawn16 Yes! Except they aren’t sore. Just incredibly weak. Like my arms would collapse if I put weight on them. I love DOMS (even though it doesn’t always imply muscle gain) because it makes me feel like I accomplished something.
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    New to doing push-ups…arms shake and feel super week for a long time

    So just for reference I am a 5’6 130 lb male — as you can imagine, I am not very strong. I’ve been trying to eat heavier this past week as I have started body weight training for muscle (nothing crazy, just want to go from 0 muscle to athletic/lean muscle) by doing push-ups. I’m a noob so please...