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    Uhm 55 to 60kg bw in 2 months

    @rakicko Very strict very high protein diet unless you don’t care about gaining fat. Even if you pull through with the diet it’s gonna be hard tho, don’t expect too much
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    13 M %bf

    @porphyro I’d say anything less than 15% is very good, I wouldn’t worry that much about body fat at your age tho, because puberty hasn’t kicked in yet which also explains your little bit chubby face.
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    How many pushups can an average man do in one hour?

    @darel001 Fit people may do 600 clean in one hour, Nobody who’s just “moderately fit” can do that. Those are high goals but I don’t think it’s wrong to set high goals, because you don’t have to reach that value in 2 weeks. Going from 400 to 600 is definitely doable if you eat good and exercise...
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    Frustrated With Inability To Shed Body Fat

    @marktina9767 Theres no magic that can stop you from dropping body fat. If you eat in a calorie deficit and eat a lot of protein, you will drop body fat
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    is it possible to lose 35-45 lbs?

    @turnip52 Yeah it’s all a scam from big weight