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    What is your favorite MAG grip for lat pulldown?

    @sashacat Versa grips bröther
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    New "RIR 1-2 vs RIR 0" Study - Similar gains

    @timelesstim Sam doesn’t do lengthened partials. His ROM floats between the lengthened and shortened position. Look at his pull-downs, never fully stretches and never touches the bar to his chest.
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    New "RIR 1-2 vs RIR 0" Study - Similar gains

    @helen2002 And like I’ve always said, the “go to failure bro” lifters just lift until it gets uncomfortable 😂
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    New "RIR 1-2 vs RIR 0" Study - Similar gains

    @livingme7 Feel like we pretty much knew this already, most people are training in the 0-3RIR range or just to failure every set for the people who can’t count.