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    [52 F] Weighted Overhead Barbell Squats = Fall, go boom

    @ihavetwofeet41 I agree with @twinmama. I'm a 62 y/o female doing CrossFit and I suck a lot at anything overhead. Overhead squats are of the devil, I'm convinced, followed closely by most snatches and jerks. I'm doing them anyway. My goal is perfect form, then I will be able to add more...
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    [52 F] Weighted Overhead Barbell Squats = Fall, go boom

    @ihavetwofeet41 The bar I use for anything overhead is 15 pounds. Yes, I add some weight but I don't start at 35 pounds. Let your ego sit this one out and take pride in what you've already accomplished. There's more to come!
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    Help me with tips of how to actually get out of bed and make it to CrossFit! 😣

    @mariakatrina In a similar manner, OP, you brush your teeth every day, yes? (GAWD please say yes hahaha). Working out is the same thing for me: routine and necessary for my health.
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    R&R recommendations

    @hotleatherworld Um. One of these things is not like the other. I agree w/ @chevyz07-Time-Traveler, take a break. I will be doing the same thing beginning Feb. 3 on my own beach vacation. No hard-core workouts, just much needed R&R.
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    Ratings of Protein Powders

    @thebadcatholic Give True Nutrition a try. I love their stuff, clocks in at 25 grams of protein.
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    Long Post Ahead...but my progress report after 5 months of no gym access--spoiler, gains were not all lost

    @anonymous_iran So jelly of that height. --signed 5' 4 1/2" woman