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  1. M

    It’s okay if you don’t want to do at home workouts right now

    @dawn16 Ugh yeah, there really is no substitute at that weight :( I hope it still provides some relief. Maybe there are some accessory workouts that you could spend time on? Any areas that you feel are weaker than others? For me, my left hip abductor is weak compared to my right so doing more...
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    It’s okay if you don’t want to do at home workouts right now

    @dawn16 Have you thought about getting bands? I'm thinking of doing that and then a kettlebell (just like 10lbs so I can curl them) since those can be used for a bunch of things and then up resistance with bands. Not great but I'm hoping it'll be better than nothing.
  3. M

    It’s okay if you don’t want to do at home workouts right now

    @pawello I feel you - I was prepared for a lot but not the gym being closed. I just feel really right too, not sure about you? I've been doing yoga which has helped, going to order a kettlebell and some weight resistance bands to hold me over. Also got a foam roller - omg I miss that
  4. M

    Summer Cut: 5'3/140--130 Ladies Group Chat

    @twinmama I'm down! A bit late but doing this for motivational purposes.. 25/5'0/108ish lbs I have been working out regularly for years, I'm pretty happy with my body but this winter I definitely gained a little bit while being sick. Not a lot but I definitely want to go on a small cut. I...