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    How is my metabolism getting worse?

    @lazarus_come_forth Oh I don’t know what the reproducibility is. Not sure how I would know. But if the drop in VO2 is something that concerns you I would encourage you to measure it again and see what you learn. You might find out your lungs did not suddenly get worse, for example.
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    Can't lose weight on 1500 calorie diet

    @crosswise If you are really tracking everything well then just wait it out. I’ve had to wait for up to two weeks for my weight to drop after starting a cut. I went cold turkey into a 1000 cal deficit and accumulated water like crazy
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    Novice strength levels - 0-1 rep a week even in calorie surplus, high protein, good sleep

    @catholic500 He’s complaining about his bench strength, and he’s doing FIVE SETS of bench. I don’t know what the reps distribution looks like, in part because experienced people care about sets more than reps. The last program I did had me doing 25 sets of HEAVY barbell pressing movements per...
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    How is my metabolism getting worse?

    @lazarus_come_forth And you aren’t even a bit curious to know how that might affect your assessment of your metabolism?
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    Novice strength levels - 0-1 rep a week even in calorie surplus, high protein, good sleep

    @catholic500 That is not a lot of volume. There is almost no pushing volume, either. He’s just doing 3 sets of bench and some triceps extensions
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    hybrid functional strength programs? also... avoiding the big 4 nonsense

    @scott2511 Yeah unfortunately online fitness communities are based on misinformation. Personally I learnt from strong people instead of from blog posts and never had any issue. What we’re you doing wrong?
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    How is my metabolism getting worse?

    @lazarus_come_forth Out of curiosity, what do you estimate the reproducibility of VO2 measurements to be at?
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    Consistently terrible F45 results

    @nasa321 Muscle gain happens when you put your muscles through INTENSE work. Not sure what F45 is but probably not that
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    hybrid functional strength programs? also... avoiding the big 4 nonsense

    @londonmum If my priorities lifting didn’t switch so oftentimes my bench would be a lot higher
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    hybrid functional strength programs? also... avoiding the big 4 nonsense

    @londonmum Angering the mods over here
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    Can't lose weight on 1500 calorie diet

    @crosswise So your diet is EXCLUSIVELY: Four eggs 600g chicken 125g rice 20g olive oil Unseasoned vegetables With no condiments? No sauces? No nothing??
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    @alodiafaye We will remove anything that is an actual cause for concern
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    @123anna You know what’s funny about this? I have seen more people have real, hard injuries climbing, playing football or even running just the past three years than in my whole life at the gym. People have a fundamentally skewed perception of what causes injury. Nobody thinks they’ll trip on a...
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    @lelier Please create a detailed report and we will analyze. We don’t love people spamming their every workout, but at the same time we try to give everyone a free platform to express themselves.
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    @an8id Happy to help
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    The maze of apps and devices - Advice please?

    @cats There’s no need to pay for any app or subscription. Find a routine that works for you and follow it consistently. For powerlifting I use spreadsheets from liftvault. For body holding I follow a program that I made that is very likely suboptimal. For running I yolo it without a plan. For...
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    @an8id The issue is that concerned people far outweigh those with experience and knowledge. We cannot let someone who doesn’t squat tell someone else how to squat. It is actually dangerous. It is the same reason we don’t allow medical advice. Besides, no one is going to change their routine...
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    Thank You! It worked!

    @kyachu Amazing! Glad to hear
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    How could I possibly eat less and exercise a sh*t ton more, and actually gain weight??

    @youngwolf And you need to chill, practice patience, and most likely also learn how to track.
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    How could I possibly eat less and exercise a sh*t ton more, and actually gain weight??

    @jazideezap I said she was not being honest with her tracking, which is still most likely true. More than one thing can be true at the same time