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  1. F

    X-post from r/veg: My 2.5 year vegetarian bodybuilding progress

    @jtroop Most appreciated! Let me know if you have any questions!
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    X-post from r/veg: My 2.5 year vegetarian bodybuilding progress

    @jtroop Thank you!! When you think about deltoids think in three dimensions. My favorite shoulder exercise is the standing military press. This is because compared to dumbbells you can bring the bar down to your chest and press up, going for a better range of motion. Also upright rows are...
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    X-post from r/veg: My 2.5 year vegetarian bodybuilding progress

    @zofran You have the perfect strategy I would just keep doing that. It does take time, but you are going to be better off in the end.
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    X-post from r/veg: My 2.5 year vegetarian bodybuilding progress

    @zofran When I was a beginner my bulking calories were about 3500. Now I have found I need to eat about 4300 or so to gain weight steadily. I can lose weight at about 3000 calories. Recently I ate 5-6000 calories for three months straight. I only gained about .25 lbs a week which is the perfect...
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    X-post from r/veg: My 2.5 year vegetarian bodybuilding progress

    @dawn16 Hahaha I think most people do. The vegan diet is a good motivator to eat healthy. A lot of the vegan processed foods are expensive so it's cheaper to just eat what came from the ground
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    X-post from r/veg: My 2.5 year vegetarian bodybuilding progress

    @dawn16 This is going to depend on your goals, but I think the number one reason many vegans don't always achieve the same results as everyone else is their obsession with eating "clean." I think it's great to have a diet based on vegetables, fruits, nuts etc. But when you train hard you need...
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    X-post from r/veg: My 2.5 year vegetarian bodybuilding progress

    @dawn16 Yes, there is no doubt you have to make some sacrifices either way. My main protein source is whey protein so no, not vegan. I would like to try some alternative vegan sources actually. I haven't done much research but what I have read is that soy protein powders might be the next best...
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    X-post from r/veg: My 2.5 year vegetarian bodybuilding progress

    @cgnet Plants play a big role in my diet mainly in the form of soy milk. Beyond that, I try to eat leafy greens everyday. But a lot comes from whey protein powder as well. I don't eat a lot of dairy besides whey protein. I eat eggs but not everyday. I buy the organic free range (though I know...
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    X-post from r/veg: My 2.5 year vegetarian bodybuilding progress

    Hello /r/veganfitness! Though I am not vegan (I was for about three months when I tried a raw food diet long ago) I have been a vegetarian for 6 years now. What I have learned as a vegetarian trying to gain muscle can definitely be applied to vegan fitness as well. One of the main concepts that...