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  1. W

    F/32/5’5 [124.7 > ?? ] Looking for feedback on my 6-month plan to achieve my ideal honeymoon bod!

    @ma13 I'll definitely look into Epic! Yeah, I don't really care about my "weight" or #s at all - I just know that I could stand to gain some muscle and lose some fat. Your advice of picking a strength program and just STICKING to it (while keeping a slight caloric deficit) seems reasonable and...
  2. W

    F/32/5’5 [124.7 > ?? ] Looking for feedback on my 6-month plan to achieve my ideal honeymoon bod!

    @ma13 Yep, wedding/honeymoon is my main motivation - but want to continue my lifestyle changes for the rest of my days, so trying to find a plan that I enjoy enough to stick to. I’m tired of the back pain from sitting on my butt all day, and perpetually feeling squishy. I’m surprised that...
  3. W

    F/32/5’5 [124.7 > ?? ] Looking for feedback on my 6-month plan to achieve my ideal honeymoon bod!

    @mgreene05 Thank you!!! I will definitely look into these 2 programs.
  4. W

    F/32/5’5 [124.7 > ?? ] Looking for feedback on my 6-month plan to achieve my ideal honeymoon bod!

    @srbrandon THANK YOU x 100000 for this thoughtful advice!!! You are spot on about my goals (definitely going for the “slim thick” look). Your advice is (happily) making me reconsider the need to eat at a deficit. As far as exercise, I’ve been doing one on one personal training to learn proper...
  5. W

    F/32/5’5 [124.7 > ?? ] Looking for feedback on my 6-month plan to achieve my ideal honeymoon bod!

    Hi lovely fit people! I’ve given myself a hard 6-month deadline to reach the following goals: Body fat mass: from 31.9 to ~ 22.7 - 24.0 lbs Lean (muscle) mass: from 88 to ~ 89 - 91 lbs Body fat %: from 25.6% to ~ 19.5 - 20.5 % I began doing a "smart bulk" for a few weeks and recently realized...