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  1. T

    Partners gym Progress Dissatisfaction

    @nextstep I wouldn't give two shits about these scans. Is he stronger in any of the lifts? That's progress. And that could be more weight for the same reps or more reps if the same set. Does he look different? Do clothes fit differently?
  2. T

    How do I ditch the spare tire??

    @tomatheist I'd suggest doing a beginners lifting program. Any A/B style 3x a week program akin to starting strength. Jim Wendler has an A/B style program associated with the 5/3/1 mindset called Beginner Prep School. It's a variation on that with a bit slower pacing, and prescribed...
  3. T

    How do I ditch the spare tire??

    @tomatheist When you are lean (which is about 140 for yo, you don't have the spare tire). If you don't want it (i.e. you want to remain lean) and be above 140lbs, then you need to build muscle mass. There is no magic where your current body is lean at 155 or whatever. You either keep the fat...