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  1. M

    What is the best 3 day split for building muscle?

    @slow I would fit the entire body in 3 days but mix and match parts with varying intensities whilst emphasizing weaknesses. So maybe something like: 1 Chest / Back 2 Legs / Abs 3 Shoulders / Arms Then if a weakness presents itself, spend more of your time training that muscle group than the...
  2. M

    Does anyone else think that the leg press is a superior quad builder compared to conventional barbell squats?

    @jinxy While both are staples in my regime I find front squats to give me an awesome quad pump that I just can't get with back squats.
  3. M

    What is your favorite four-day split?

    @jlrodriguez Try alternating an extra each week so like L PP L week 1 P PL P week 2 And cycle that way If it were me I’d just do LPPL for a while since legs are my weakness then when they feel too fatigued (usually about week 4 when I need a deload week) change it up for a while. For me ppl...