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    Vegan and 100+ G protein daily without protein powder?

    @knicole97 Are you saying your scrambled tofus are a sweet variety? I've never heard of that, how interesting!
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    Disappointed: weight loss didn’t equal bf% loss

    @perfpearl My thought was to "reset" and just start using the Index instead of continuing to get dexa scans. So if I just keep going and see a differential, that would be good too. But I take your point, and the point of others here, thank you.
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    Vegan and 100+ G protein daily without protein powder?

    @hjkisorjr That doesn’t look too hard actually.
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    Disappointed: weight loss didn’t equal bf% loss

    I had a dexa scan in July that said I was 131 lbs and 37% bf. Ouch. So since then I have lost 14 lbs. I recently bought a Garmin Index smart scale. It says I’m 115-117 and 35-36% bf. I was so disappointed bc I figured losing over ten pounds would make at least a small dent in bf%. I’m not...
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    4'11" 48yo - What should I weigh?

    @joshslusser I will read up on insulin response. Thank you.
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    Vegan and 100+ G protein daily without protein powder?

    @hjkisorjr Can you recommend a recipe source for good and easy lentil curries?
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    high rise yoga pants recommendation?

    I bought these pants from Target one time - they were on the clearance rack - and they are AMAZING. Super soft, good pockets, and they don't roll down my waist while I'm working out. My current batch of workout pants keep sliding down and I am always hitching the waist band back up. Alas, they...
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    Vegan and 100+ G protein daily without protein powder?

    Is this even possible? I would like to be more plant based and protein forward, but I don’t know how I’d get in 100g protein without meat and dairy. I don’t want to rely on protein powder because I’d really like to have all my calories as real food. Does anyone do this? Alternately, are there...
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    4'11" 48yo - What should I weigh?

    @aussiealways Purchased!
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    4'11" 48yo - What should I weigh?

    @aussiealways I will - thank you!
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    4'11" 48yo - What should I weigh?

    @aussiealways At my classes I will work until I have to move to one weight or body weight. I don’t press 200 if that is what you mean. Doctors orders due to back condition.
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    4'11" 48yo - What should I weigh?

    @tongdtbds4 I have a pear/hourglass shape naturally, and I'm very soft. Also (dunno how relevant this is but it messed with my head) recently I was bra shopping, and either I've been wearing the wrong size all this time or I've grown because I had to buy a D cup instead of a C cup. My husband...
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    Looking for advice F 5’2” 215lbs

    @shadowinthelight Agree with the above and will add, focus on diet now and maybe work in some walks if you can do it. 80% of weight loss happens in the kitchen. You have to find a sustainable way of eating so you don’t feel deprived and fall off the rails. You might want to check out r/loseit...
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    4'11" 48yo - What should I weigh?

    @lettuce Well, my boot camps include weights. I use 20/25 dumbbells for power strength and 15 for higher rep endurance workout. I would like to add in some lifting only workouts (I like Sydney Cummings) but I don’t think I have the strength after everything else I do. Also should mention a...
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    4'11" 48yo - What should I weigh?

    I love to see the petite and dense aesthetic on this sub, but I don't think I can achieve it. I have been working on losing weight off and on since June 2021 when I weighed 145 (all time high and not comfortable at all). I would lose some weight, get derailed by trips, get disheartened, give up...
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    Non-Food Socializing Ideas

    @lena_the_lena Do y'all like to craft? Knitting, sewing or scrapbooking keeps hands busy with time for chatting. Are you too proud for adult coloring books?