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  1. M

    Constantly feeling sleepy since I started working out more regularly

    @chux7 I'm out quite often, so I don't really have the opportunity to take naps, unfortunately. But I think it would do wonders for that midday slump when I'm at home 😄
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    Constantly feeling sleepy since I started working out more regularly

    @omah1970 I try to eat at least 80 grams of protein per day minimum. Most days I manage to hit that, although I do admittedly struggle with balancing my macros from time to time. 😅
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    Constantly feeling sleepy since I started working out more regularly

    @iamsuperb I appreciate this explanation so much!! Thank you!! Makes a lot of sense. I've never even considered that burning fat and building muscle also takes up energy. Pretty cool stuff!! I'm honestly not sure what would be considered as going super hard at the gym-- I can say that it's...
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    Constantly feeling sleepy since I started working out more regularly

    @aj007 I absolutely relate on "always yawning" 🤣 if I don't find what's causing this I might just have to accept that this is going to be my new normal lol
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    Constantly feeling sleepy since I started working out more regularly

    @godisgood2 Now that you mention it, this /could/ be one of the reasons. I used to get bloodwork done regularly and my RBC count was always at the low end of normal. My lips have been looking a little pale recently too. I might need to start taking iron supplements again. Thanks for pointing...
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    Constantly feeling sleepy since I started working out more regularly

    @garretfut Oh wow, that's pretty solid advice. I didn't even think of electrolytes. I'll look into everything you suggested. I appreciate it!! Thank you so much!! ❤️
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    Constantly feeling sleepy since I started working out more regularly

    @garretfut On days where I'm not very active, I eat somewhere between 1500-1700. On days where I'm more active (training days, high-step-count days), I eat practically at maintenance, around 1800-2300. I'm honestly not very strict with my intake. If I'm hungry, I eat, deficit be damned lol.
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    Constantly feeling sleepy since I started working out more regularly

    Hi everyone! Title pretty much sums it up. F, in my 20s, 5'3", 146 lbs. I started regularly strength training in February. Been making progress I'm happy with in terms of strength and endurance. I've lost a little bit of weight, maybe 2 lbs since I started, since I don't do a big deficit and I...