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  1. S

    Possible to be in good cardio shape but very fat?

    @ms7dc This is purely an anecdote, but when i was in my teens i had a fat friend who could move with grace despite his size. He was also tall and very strong. We played hockey together and he could outskate most of the team including myself and i was a good skater. In fact he was one of the...
  2. S

    The only people who say, "It's all downhill after X" are those who were already going downhill the decade before

    @prestonmcghee I've been active/playing sports since childhood, i still do all that - play organized sports and go to the gym+yoga+physio year-round, while consuming a relatively healthy diet to complement my lifestyle. When i say it goes downhill after 30 i mean my recovery times have increased...