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  1. C

    Went to a Klokov seminar over the weekend. Here's review (x-post from /r/weightlifting)

    @peace28 I say this to most newbies that walk in. They get frustrated and it turns into a spiral downhill of self-loathing. Especially since they don't haven't developed the kinesthetic awareness compared to former collegiate & high school athletes. That may be true, I obviously don't know...
  2. C

    Went to a Klokov seminar over the weekend. Here's review (x-post from /r/weightlifting)

    @a_better_me04 Sounds like you need more or a controlled eccentric loading of your legs. But I'm a coach that had the Russian system taught to me as my foundation and now I take immensely from the Bulgarian system. It never hurt to learn from other coaches or systems as long as it's not from a...
  3. C

    Went to a Klokov seminar over the weekend. Here's review (x-post from /r/weightlifting)

    @krista123 Are you implicating that I wouldn't want an athlete to peak leading up to a meet? Obviously, I would want my athlete to lift heavier; but at the cost of their safety? That's foolish. Why load an athlete if they can't safely maneuver and control the barbell? If you see the technique...
  4. C

    Went to a Klokov seminar over the weekend. Here's review (x-post from /r/weightlifting)

    @wlnutdk It's safe to say that they don't use it in their daily training. There is no mention of bands in any published literature that I've found or read.
  5. C

    Went to a Klokov seminar over the weekend. Here's review (x-post from /r/weightlifting)

    @dawn16 Hey, maybe I'm wrong. I'm by no means an expert at weightlifting (yet). But even my (recognized) coach, sitting next to me in the seminar, said it was stupid. I'm going to go with what my coach and mentor says. But I reiterate, I have a library of Russian and Bulgarian texts, NONE have...
  6. C

    Went to a Klokov seminar over the weekend. Here's review (x-post from /r/weightlifting)

    @jolson May I refer you to this article written by Greg Everett of Catalyst. I have several Russian and Bulgarian articles and books with lists of weightlifting accessory exercises. NONE of them have band work in them.
  7. C

    Went to a Klokov seminar over the weekend. Here's review (x-post from /r/weightlifting)

    @jolson In all the years that I've talked to weightlifters and weightlifting coaches, I've never seen or heard any of them use a band to teach their athletes. Even Klokov himself said (paraphrasing) "I've never seen or used these bands in training ever." Bands and barbells should be reserved...
  8. C

    Went to a Klokov seminar over the weekend. Here's review (x-post from /r/weightlifting)

    @nychristian15 I was fully aware what I was walking into. I just wanted to fan boy and kinda see if I can learn anything new.
  9. C

    Went to a Klokov seminar over the weekend. Here's review (x-post from /r/weightlifting)

    @nychristian15 As a coach, yes. Not that I didn't take anything away from his seminar, but I think his seminars are suited for CrossFitters who are unfamiliar with the Russian system. I'm looking to be a strength & conditioning and weightlifting expert as I've been working in the field for 4...
  10. C

    Went to a Klokov seminar over the weekend. Here's review (x-post from /r/weightlifting)

    @nychristian15 Because a seminar is about getting an education and/or certification. He spent majority of the time fixing technique or movement with the Russian system's technique.
  11. C

    Went to a Klokov seminar over the weekend. Here's review (x-post from /r/weightlifting)

    @whatsthissong Klokov mentioned that his grasp of coaching has drastically changed since then. He said, when he was at Waxman's, he was just an athlete coaching an athlete and would get easily frustrated while now, he's learned to have more of a coach's mentality.
  12. C

    Went to a Klokov seminar over the weekend. Here's review (x-post from /r/weightlifting)

    Beginning of this year, I heard of Beachside CrossFit hosting a weightlifting seminar with with former Russian weightlifter Dmitry Klokov and I jumped on the opportunity with the zero money I had. Being a college student rules! For those who have been under a rock and don’t know who Dmitry...
  13. C

    Calling all Crossfitters who love Star Wars

    @tomber Sweet! Already sent my cash!!