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    The only people who say, "It's all downhill after X" are those who were already going downhill the decade before

    @josipa The biggest change I’ve noticed is I randomly get joint issues in my 30s that I never had to worry about in my 20s. Even taking my workouts easy didn’t guarantee that I’d be free of random rotator cuff issues. Then again I have a family history of early onset arthritis so YMMV
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    A friend of mine asked me if I was natural or if I took creatine

    @gworden Alright boys throw your natty cards over here -> 🗑️
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    Had insane growth then suddenly no growth, what gives?

    @hteezy You started lifting with a 105kg bench?
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    I’m starting my workout journey. I’m a 6’3”, 230lbs male. I’d like to slim down to around 200lbs with muscle. Any tips?

    @quilbilly I suck at controlling my diet nowadays so I just work out to compensate. As I’ve gotten fatter and fatter people have been telling me I’ve lost weight 🤷 Yeah I have a beer belly but I can knock out 12 pull ups at a moment’s notice which is 12 more than I did when I was skinny and...
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    Cool, basic outdoor gym area near my house; Is it enough!?

    @confusedfather111 Almost all rings are made for indoor use.
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    Having very difficult time getting back to fitness after 2 month of break

    @martina777 I have sleep apnea when my weight goes in the 200s, it disappears entirely when I drop below 200. That’s probably a big factor.
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    Why am I so muscular but not that strong?

    @daveris Genetics play a big part of determining your base strength. I started training as a skinny fat kid weighing 160 at 5’10 and I couldn’t even dead hang on the bar, let alone do a single pull up, took me about 3 months to get to my first unassisted one rep chin up. Throughout college, I...