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    [progress] 31M, 5'10 135-155lbs, 3 years [long post/pictures]

    @renatusfueritexaqua Hell yeah!
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    [progress] 31M, 5'10 135-155lbs, 3 years [long post/pictures]

    @renatusfueritexaqua Thanks for the advice man. I'm gonna apply that to my workouts. Also, goddamn. Yeah, I'll never look like you. I'll take looking half as good as you in my 30s though!
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    [progress] 31M, 5'10 135-155lbs, 3 years [long post/pictures]

    @renatusfueritexaqua Thanks for the advice. I'm getting a lot of comments that failure on all sets isn't the way to do it. Also that I shouldn't superset my main lifts. How many sets are you doing for each major movement per week? I usually only give myself a single day rest.
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    [progress] 31M, 5'10 135-155lbs, 3 years [long post/pictures]

    @seekingtoserve Yeah beginner on all lifts. I'll stop supersetting my main lift. Lifting to failure + supersetting another compound lift also to failure = probably not optimized I'm realizing. I just get bored waiting, haha. I'm gonna make the shift to stop supersetting main lifts and stop...
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    [progress] 31M, 5'10 135-155lbs, 3 years [long post/pictures]

    also, paging /@seekingtoserve because your progress was insane and I wanted to get your thoughts after we talked a month ago
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    [progress] 31M, 5'10 135-155lbs, 3 years [long post/pictures]

    @marinemike Say more. Because nothing else explains my shit progress?
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    [progress] 31M, 5'10 135-155lbs, 3 years [long post/pictures]

    @amotz Hey, thanks for the reply. I've been thinking about upping my calories more. I think I will. I just got nice and doughy the last time I went 300 calories over maintenance so I have been hesitant. I only count calories to make sure I eat enough. Otherwise I just go nowhere since I eat...
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    [progress] 31M, 5'10 135-155lbs, 3 years [long post/pictures]

    @amotz Just to make consistent progress in muscle growth and strength. I'm 5'10 so 155 is not very big with medium to high BF. I'm certainly not hitting my limits.
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    [progress] 31M, 5'10 135-155lbs, 3 years [long post/pictures]

    @dawn16 Yeah I'm gonna start eating more. I did my last workout without going to failure and just added another set instead--damn. It's way less draining but you can fit in more quality work. On bench rather than killing myself on 3x8 I went down 5 lbs in dumbbells and did 4x14 leaving one/two...
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    [progress] 31M, 5'10 135-155lbs, 3 years [long post/pictures]

    @dawn16 Thanks man. I can't follow programs that well because I rarely meet the next week's weight/rep increase. So I just kind of spin my wheels. Could I be over fatiguing myself, even on 3x/4x workouts a week? Doesn't seem possible. I've heard over and over that no one really over-trains, so...
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    [progress] 31M, 5'10 135-155lbs, 3 years [long post/pictures]

    Why am I posting?: I've always planned on posting something, but didn't get the true motivation until yesterday. I've lifted for 3 years with two 2 months breaks (so 32 of the last 36 months). One of the guys I talk to at the gym came up to me today and said after chatting a bit, "I see you...
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    The only people who say, "It's all downhill after X" are those who were already going downhill the decade before

    @savedgirl2010 This is it, for me. At 35, I'm in some of the best shape of my life. But as someone who worked out in my 20s and played sports in my teens... My recovery is just weaker, full stop.