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  1. E

    Animal-free whey protein is on the market now!

    @maryjosephine From my understanding the current whey from transgenic yeast method does not fall under the cell-culture definition. I also don't really see a benefit of producing dairy from cell culture compared to yeast. Seems like it would be more complicated and expensive so not really...
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    Animal-free whey protein is on the market now!

    @maryjosephine Is it accurate to call this product ex-vivo cell-culture produced dairy? It appears to be produced by genetically modified yeast not from removed animal cells.
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    Animal-free whey protein is on the market now!

    @victory4us Thank you and I hope we never share a confined space.
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    Animal-free whey protein is on the market now!

    @victory4us Your comment is going over my head, what do you mean?
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    Animal-free whey protein is on the market now!

    @adamhurst It seems like you mean feasibly not optimally. I hope this doesn't seem like splitting hairs but there is a big difference in meaning which is important when talking about science. If we substitute the definition of optimally in your original sentence it reads: This truth is not...
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    Animal-free whey protein is on the market now!

    @adamhurst Well if we are talking optimization then we are comparing different protein sources. Whey protein is more bioavailable right? If this is true then isn't their argument, that whey protein is more optimal than plant for building muscle, also true? It should go without saying that...
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    Animal-free whey protein is on the market now!

    @deacongirl Thank you! Cleaner flavor would definitely be an advantage of vegan whey over conventional. It would be great if yeast could make dairy fats for other products but in this application having them removed entirely is awesome.
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    Animal-free whey protein is on the market now!

    @deacongirl Okay I went down a little rabbit hole and found this from the US dairy industry. It appears that whey protein concentrate gets contaminated by lipid oxidation products of fats found in milk. I'm going to speculate that if the yeast is not also producing dairy fats then these lipid...
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    Animal-free whey protein is on the market now!

    @deacongirl That's why I would expect. When I would drink whey protein it would have this sort of grassy/gamey/funky after taste that would linger hours after. It's also present in many aged cheeses. I am not sure if these are some trace aromatics or if it actually is the flavor of whey. I am...
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    Animal-free whey protein is on the market now!

    @deacongirl Have you tried conventional whey protein? If yes, did you notice any difference in taste? I'm wondering if we're going to hear arguments of "but animal free-whey doesn't taste as good" in the future...
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    Animal-free whey protein is on the market now!

    @raef Joe being yelled at might be a fun episode.
  12. E

    Animal-free whey protein is on the market now!

    @raef Rad thank you for all the links. I'll check these out when I have time (that meta-analysis in particular) except for the Joe Rogan clip. I just don't like listening to Joe anymore because I'm reminded of the last few years. I used to listen a bunch before his move to Texas, the BLM...
  13. E

    Animal-free whey protein is on the market now!

    @raef Thank you this is interesting. If you know of the studies could you please share them? I would like to learn more.