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  1. M

    Dan John's issue with dual snatches???

    @agiosconstantinos That might come from the fact that the TGU somehow resembles a move that is considered a standard movement for BJJ and MMA. My personal opinion (as an ultra heavy weight fighter in BJJ) is, that movements making you get up from the floor are useful and underestimatedly...
  2. M

    What do you think about this barbell-inspired kettlebell hypertrophy plan?

    @missguidedsheep Exactly. You can almost only increase by reps (and of course by shorter break times). This is a a very specific kettlebell "problem" and therefore I'd look for a reliable and proven kettlebell hypertrophy program rather than trying to make a program fit that is based basically...
  3. M

    What do you think about this barbell-inspired kettlebell hypertrophy plan?

    @missguidedsheep The problem I'd see is that you can't increase your weight incrementally like it's suggested for standard basic barbell programs like Stronglift's 5x5. And I think that is the main point of those programs. I am not saying you can't to hypertrophy aimed training with...