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  1. J

    German gymnastics team, tired of 'sexualisation,' wears unitards at Tokyo Olympics

    @lovedaisies Reminds me of the scandal with the full body swimsuits that were big in 08(?). I, for one, can't wait for the scandal where the unitards are made out of artificial sharkskin for extra grip. In all seriousness, I'm glad of the change. I don't like feeling uncomfortable watching the...
  2. J

    How do you make exercise not about weight loss?

    @uticus I'm an avid walker, too and I do a 2.5 mile walk every morning before work. The thing that made it less about working out and more, for lack of a better term, personal was changing my intention and music choices. There's a walking trail near my house that cuts through a few subdivisions...
  3. J

    I Was Fired from a Fitness Studio for Not Being Active Enough

    @ctian25 I'm sorry this happened to you, it's ridiculous that they would hire you and then spring this on you after a few months. If they'd wanted a fitness buff, that's what they should have hired in the first place, so to spring it on you is complete bullshit. They're asshats and honestly...