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  1. Z

    Jeff Nippard’s New Exercises

    @ray0174 The first exercise I actually do standing with cable handle set at the bottom, so basically same thing - works delts pretty well.
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    Looking for advice , resources, tips or encouragement on overcoming definition plateaus and bodybuilding

    @peaceablefruit I am basically following a paid program - built with science which is basically the same thing, i just started adding in a bit more sets/extra isolation exercises once i could handle more. I agree, I was trying to rush the cutting process, lost 25 lbs in 5 months basically. Now...
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    Looking for advice , resources, tips or encouragement on overcoming definition plateaus and bodybuilding

    @itsjoseph W/F/Sun - alternating exercises out of 7-10 sets of chest press (incline/decline one day straight next),5 sets pullups-seated rows, 3-6 sets cable delt raises - shoulder press, 3-5 sets barbel curls - dumbell/cable curls. Sat leg day with 7 sets of pyramid squats, 4 sets of calf...
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    Looking for advice , resources, tips or encouragement on overcoming definition plateaus and bodybuilding

    @mahlonritt Thank you for that! Guess i'm not the only one with a hard time. I agree, it's definitely a long term endeavor, I love the mental benefits from staying consistent though, i feel so much better than I did a year ago and have so much more energy. I'm going to slowly keep increasing...
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    Looking for advice , resources, tips or encouragement on overcoming definition plateaus and bodybuilding

    @needheaven I realized after writing that I shouldn't have expected to increase lifts while in a cut even though i thought I was still a beginner. Yet, biceps and back feel like they're stuck in plateau even 6 weeks into a bulk. Chest is taking a few weeks to increase resistance and I'm afraid...
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    Looking for advice , resources, tips or encouragement on overcoming definition plateaus and bodybuilding

    @sports Thank you! I'm trying to accept not worrying about the fat gain and i think i could get to those calorie amounts soon. Do you think hitting muscle groups 2x a week would lead to more gains than 3x a week if the weekly set total amounts are the same? I haven't been able to determine if...
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    Looking for advice , resources, tips or encouragement on overcoming definition plateaus and bodybuilding

    @johnc101 i guess i was looking at others who have similar lifts but have much more rounded muscles on a stockier frame whereas mine are long, hard, and thin. I'm afraid that when i was at 205 I basically held it mostly in my stomach.. that's why i decided to cut. I'm worried that by the time I...
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    Looking for advice , resources, tips or encouragement on overcoming definition plateaus and bodybuilding

    @benjaminthewolf Thanks for that. I think I'm just overthinking because I'm about 6 weeks into my first real bulk of my life and was expecting to have more beginner gains during a cut which doesn't seem like the right expectation to have.
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    Looking for advice , resources, tips or encouragement on overcoming definition plateaus and bodybuilding

    Hello, 32m 6'1, 175lbs currently. I lifted on/off my whole life, took about a 6 year break (sporadic sessions) after college and got back into it about 2 years ago. I'm struggling reconciling some things about growing muscles and would like to hear your opinions on what else I can do to speed up...
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    How does progressive overload ACTUALLY work?

    @rico71601 Agreed, 32m 6'1, 180-190lbs also 13-17% bf and after a few months of lifting, benching 160 for at most 10 reps after 1.5 years working out, when i started i could barely do 8 reps of 135 even though i've been lifting on and off since high school. For reference, I could dumbell curl...