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  1. B

    5'2" F 1600-1700 calories + some walking ?

    @irishamerican4christ 5'4, 120lb and 1700-1800 cal is my maintenance. I do 30 mins fasted hills speed walk every morning. 45-60 mins heavy lifting 4-5 days a week. 2x 45mins moderate to high intensity bike cardio per week. 8500 steps average per day. Edit: I've been using the adaptive TDEE...
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    Increasing calories, cutting down cardio, letting a coach guide me

    @down325442 You probably have to gain weight. And get supplements if you have any deficiencies. Eat a balanced diet with also lots of healthy fats. Healthy fats are especially important for balancing hormones. Don’t cut carbs but eat carbs like sweet potatoes, oatmeal, carby fruits &...
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    What is your lifting/cardio routine?

    @michaelo 4-5 days lifting (Lifting at Home, by Stephanie Sanzo), 1 day cardio. Usually 2 upper body, 2 lower body with one optional butt, barbell or full body day. (45-70 minutes each) I alternate upper & lower body days with rest / cardio in between. So for example Upper Body Monday, Lower...
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    I’ve been in a Plateau for the past four months.. what do I do?

    @jharnack People often self sabotage by consuming too many calories on weekends without realizing. Are you eating enough protein every day, even on weekends? Switching up your workouts could also help. Do you increase weight, reps, sets? Have you been getting stronger?
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    I told a guy no on working in

    @johntf Taking 10+ minutes on one piece of equipment without sharing is long. If my gym routine takes around 30-45 mins, I'd also be pretty pissed if someone was hogging a machine I needed for 10+ minutes.
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    What's next?

    @emtbag Well, I also don't have someone to spot me. I also dont have a squat rack so I can't do heavy barbell squats & bench press. But I've seen great strength results using mostly dumbells. You can do most exercises with a pair of adjustable dumbbells (squats, lunges, deadlifts, rows, presses...
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    What's next?

    @emtbag What are your goals? Or do you just want to do it for enjoyment? Running 5-6 days a week AND lifting 5-6 days a week is quite a lot. Make sure you calculate your daily calories properly for your activity levels. If your goal is to build more muscle I think you would be better off with a...
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    Feeling Full, Fat, and Fatigued

    @marysmith89 This! There’s no way you got enough nutrients eating that amount of calories. You’re most likely deficient in something. And I would just try my best to keep calories the same everyday. Eventually your body will adjust and weight will stabilise. Keep being consistent with...