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    Stalling on lifts (outside first one of the workout) - advice needed

    @sisi If your AMRAP set dictates whether you increase the weight, isn’t the logical time to do that set when you’re fresh (ie first set)? Believe that’s what Martin Bekhan from Leangains and Sean Nalewanyj preaches. So maybe one AMRAP set per exercise, done at the start? Problem with leaving 2...
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    Stalling on lifts (outside first one of the workout) - advice needed

    @hellofriends How would you suggest I program the intensity?
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    Stalling on lifts (outside first one of the workout) - advice needed

    @dawn16 Thank you and yes I’ve run one in the past - enjoyed myself though at some point felt like changing it up. I also felt that they’re a bit more time consuming and with my work it’s a struggle for me to find too much time to be in the gym.
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    Stalling on lifts (outside first one of the workout) - advice needed

    @533th3r Would you suggest I just AMRAP first set of each exercise? And maybe 2 RIR remaining sets?
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    Stalling on lifts (outside first one of the workout) - advice needed

    @533th3r Thanks and very fair comment - legs have never been a strong area for me (when I was younger I barely trained them I’m embarrassed to admit) but they’re progressing well and hopefully the squat keeps moving up!
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    Stalling on lifts (outside first one of the workout) - advice needed

    @tp243 Thanks for the advice! I guess my only question would be if you’re not doing AMRAP how do you know when you should up the weight? It’s often hard to gauge between 2-3 RIR for me, and so I can’t see how I progressively overload over time if I never really push it.
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    Stalling on lifts (outside first one of the workout) - advice needed

    Been training on and off for about 8 years. Height 5ft8. Current bodyweight 75kg at around 12-15% bf I would guess. Current strength: Bench: 85kg for 10 reps OHP: 55kg for 10 reps Lat Pull-down: 88kg for 10 reps Squat: 100kg for 5 reps Currently running a PPL split but done 4x per week. (e.g...