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  1. O

    What’s the most ‘pure’ or ‘OG’ CrossFit program you know of?

    @stairesdustin86 It’s up to you if you want to start a clock. Even if one’s running, you don’t have to look at it when you’re done ;)
  2. O

    What’s the most ‘pure’ or ‘OG’ CrossFit program you know of?

    @tammy1ed2 I’m not sure if you’re trying to be snarky-but removing the time domain helps remove ego-and there are A LOT of people in the CF arena that need help with that. And it’s for time, or not. Still your choice.
  3. O

    What’s the most ‘pure’ or ‘OG’ CrossFit program you know of?

    @ahunbleservant Pat hates this, but Linchpin is classic CF.
  4. O

    Box Owners, please monitor your “contact us” mailboxes and forms

    @ilovejesus33 Agree with this-but also-most box owners are poor business owners. I honestly skip the boxes that don’t respond. They’re not interested in my $ and I’m not interested in being ignored while in that class.
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    Castro: "Main site programming, games site visit, 5k run at the games, heavy day and 'metcon'."

    @katiejean Grab his book-and follow tdc hunts. He’s a pretty pretty normal guy with a normal life.
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    Physically can’t do a burpee

    @strange1 The importance of scaling-to down until you meet the stimulus, increase difficulty forward. Keep working on it OP-but also-don’t beat yourself up. For you, it’s a burpee, for some a box step up, sit up, pull up or 300lb snatch. Different levels and goals.