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  1. Z

    Workouts for women with PCOS?

    @buddyt Yes. This. I needed to hear this! I get so focused on prepping what he enjoys so that he eats that I forget what my goals are. He’s told me before to not worry about him if I want to make something different- so I need to just listen!
  2. Z

    Workouts for women with PCOS?

    @buddyt Awesome. That sounds like a good way to get started in the gym. I want to do the same thing with cooking a meat,carb, and veggie rather than just a meat+carb and skipping the veggie (which I often do because I’m the only one who will eat it). Maybe I should do just meat+ veggie for me...
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    Workouts for women with PCOS?

    @buddyt I think it could be either. I’m not really sure if anyone knows for sure if insulin resistance or PCOS comes first (maybe a chicken or the egg came first scenario?). I’m not sure. But either way, insulin resistance goes hand in hand with PCOS… unfortunately for us :( Thank you for...
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    Workouts for women with PCOS?

    @dinafrancis I would double upvote this if I could because I super appreciate your suggestions and boiled egg tips and tricks! Also LOL at the comic you mentioned 😂
  5. Z

    Workouts for women with PCOS?

    @dinafrancis Holy shit!! Those side effects?! That will be a no thank you! I’m glad you found a substitute that works!! Yeah I am very thankful for this doctor because she’s the best one I’ve had (and specializes in PCOS and endometriosis and the like) but she did prescribe the metformin without...
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    Workouts for women with PCOS?

    @dinafrancis This is awesome advice. Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts. I am currently on metformin, but I will talk to my doctor about the supplement you suggested (I know metformin is not a good long term solution-it can lead to kidney problems down the road). I have a hard...
  7. Z

    Workouts for women with PCOS?

    @jbrad01x Thanks for this!! I am a complete novice when it comes to dieting to lose weight so I appreciate these pointers.I know it will be hard for me to focus on the long game so I really appreciate you pointing that out!
  8. Z

    Workouts for women with PCOS?

    @jbrad01x Ooh I see, that makes a lot of sense. I’ve always just calculated BMI and never know what to do with that since it doesn’t really tell you much other than if you’re obese. Thanks for helping me understand the TDEE! I’ll use that calculator you suggested.
  9. Z

    Workouts for women with PCOS?

    @jbrad01x This may be a very dumb question, but can you tell me how to calculate my TDEE.. I’m not sure what that is. I’m definitely a newbie here🤦🏼‍♀️
  10. Z

    Workouts for women with PCOS?

    If you’re at all familiar with PCOS, you know that women with this condition tend to gain weight easily and it’s really hard to lose (I.e. insulin resistance by the body leads the pancreas to produce more insulin than needed and thus, the body holds onto fat + increased androgens also lead to...