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  1. D

    12-Week Challenge: Week 5 Update

    @sarath Sorry to hear about your emotional struggles this week. Congrats on giving up soda though, that will do wonders for your health. What do you mean by "couldn't leave your bed?" No energy or no motivation?
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    12-Week Challenge: Week 5 Update

    @dane1778 Thanks!
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    12-Week Challenge: Week 5 Update

    @denice65 I had a great week, but in ways I didn't expect when I started. After last week's disappointment (I hadn't lost any weight which made me forget that I have visible recomp going on) I have decided to avoid my scale until after I move (2 weeks). Even by last Monday evening I found myself...
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    [12-Week Challenge] Week 6 and Quarter 2 Updates

    @vincentstoppazzoni I get cranky when I cut too much. And my workouts aren't as good so that makes me more cranky. Slow and steady is better for me, my coworkers, and my marriage ;)
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    [12-Week Challenge] Week 6 and Quarter 2 Updates

    @denice65 I got sucked into the world of Strong Curves and have completed 3 weeks. The changes have been amazing in just 3 weeks! I really wanted to gain confidence with weight lifting because I love feeling strong, and SC has helped me do that. I have been adding on weight to my lifts quickly...
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    [12-Week Challenge] Week 10 Update

    @denice65 Pretty pleased with myself this week. I can see changes in my progress photos finally! I also unexpectedly lost 0.75 inches from my waist since last check. And, my husband gave me an unsolicited compliment - he said my arms look more toned which was something I hadn't noticed. He...