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    With progressive overload, do you guys increase the reps on your last set or your first set?

    @alexander5106954665 Progressive overload is something that has to happen naturally, it's not something you can force to happen. For the first set do 16kg to 0-2 RIRs (on the very first set, I would lean more towards 0 than 2 for dumbbell flys). If you feel like you can't nail 8+ of 16kg on the...
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    Upper/lower split volume

    @rootsrockreggae I'm using a paid 4 day upper/lower split from a YouTube influencer/personal trainer so I can't share the details since its proprietary. Though I've added in some additional volume against his recommendations (I have since lowered the volume I was doing because I feel it was...
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    Upper/lower split volume

    @rootsrockreggae A good rule of thumb for figuring out if you're doing too much volume is taking a look at your logbook. Are you beating the logbook session to session? No? It's inevitable that you're gonna hit plateaus. But if you are having trouble progressing, you might be doing too much on...
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    professional advice on Weighted abs in relation to waist

    @masonmatt1000 Rectus abdominis is easier to grow than most of the other muscle groups. When I used to be 12% body fat, my abs looked great. And I couldn't even do 110 lbs on the ab crunch machine back then. How do you explain that? Body fat %. Now that I'm like 15+% body fat and my ab...
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    An Ode to the Bro Split

    @booboo222 If you plateaued on upper/lower PPL 5 days a week and started seeing gains again after a 5 day bro split, it's probably because you were doing too much volume before. All these PPL splits I see on Instagram are notoriously high volume. I was doing a 3 day on 1 day off PPL for like a...
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    Significant muscle loss after implementing low impact cardio

    @basabeo Cardio didn't kill your gains. Your calorie deficit did. If you actually did legitimately lose weight. There is some day to day fluctuation in weight. You say you were 78-78.5kg. Now you are 77kg. Do you do 7-day averages? Are you sure you even lost 1-1.5kg and it wasn't just water...
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    Should I cut or recomp? Or continue to bulk?

    @taderbutt I'm not the most experienced guy to help you. I've had my gym membership since only mid-July and was mostly just using my small dumb bells at home and doing crunches (body weight exercise) before I joined a gym. But I'm slightly shorter than you (167cm, 5'5.75") and completed a 40.75...
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    Advice ??

    @conner74 He posted his pic on another sub. He definitely does look like he dropped 100 lbs. He has lots of loose skin.
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    Advice ??

    @rufflychux At 5'9" 170lbs (24.65 BMI) with minimal experience you could probably recomp a considerable amount of fat to muscle eating at maintenance. I'm trying this right now at 167cm (5'6") 152.6 lbs (24.97 BMI) after having bulked 24.5 lbs in over a year. Because I'm afraid that I'm going...
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    How are most of workout routines full of junk volume?

    @mrbrain The obsession with volume has been around for decades. Because volume training was prevalent during Arnold and Mentzer's peaks. And Mentzer spoke out against it
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    Anyone have their numbers of muscle to body fat % lost during cuts? How is it regaining lost muscle post cut?

    @terez To be fair, the rate at which OP is losing lean mass (48%. 9.8 lb lean mass lost/20.6 lb lost) is smaller than his overall lean mass % when he started (82.4%. 100 % - 17.6%). So he's on track. He just has unrealistic expectations of what a cut entails. You're going to lose some glycogen...
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    Too much glutamine?

    @thequincunx5 If you look at the ingredients list and it shows glutamine, it is amino acid spiked. Which throws into question the actual protein content on the nutrition label. Allegedly glutamine is safe up to 40g daily. And there are side effects for taking too much.
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    Double progression vs set reps

    @backnforth Rep ranges over-simplify the process (and potentially kill gains in the process btw). For eg. If you are doing 15lb DB lateral raises, a promotion to 20lbs is +33.33% the weight. The influencer who wrote the program I was following last summer/fall said 3x12-16. And he said promote...
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    Need help deciding between t-bar row (v-grip), close grip barbell row, or smith machine close grip barbell row for lats

    @primjames I used to use the V-handle on lat pulldowns. But then an influencer on IG (I believe it was Tyler Pathradecha) said that this is actually not the best attachment for lats because such a narrow attachment like that requires you to flare your elbows a bit. As your torso is wider than...
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    Intermediate/Advanced Bulks

    @vinayakc Cutting is taking awhile for me because my TDEE isn't very high. Like I lost 9.1 lbs in 67 days (9 weeks + 4 days). Just shy of -1lb/week. And that took a lot of sacrifice to get there. I'm not eating a whole lot of calories. As such, I'd rather spend as little time having to cut in...
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    Cutting progress plateau

    @amandal I was 144.7lbs on Friday April 12th (which was then a new low). And I hit 144.3lbs yesterday (so my weight loss was obviously slowing down). And now I'm 145.1 lbs this morning even though I didn't particularly eat a whole lot and didn't exactly have a whole lot of carbs. 💀 It is what it...
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    Intermediate/Advanced Bulks

    @vakf I'm going to try to aim for +1lb/month on my second bulk. Because my faster first bulk, which was +0.46 lbs/week, didn't work out as well as I hoped. But the drawback, like loosh63 has brought up, is that this is essentially a rounding error. In fact a +1lb/month bulk is actually less than...
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    Protein g per kg of bodyweight guidelines for bulking vs maintenance vs recomp vs cutting?

    @dawn16 I have tuna occasionally for lunch. Maybe 2x a week. The lean tuna is like 100% calories from protein. But I've heard about the mercury level rumors with tuna. So I don't have it too often. I've heard that the whole mercury thing with canned tuna is bullshit though. Apparently canned...
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    Protein g per kg of bodyweight guidelines for bulking vs maintenance vs recomp vs cutting?

    I saw the scientific journal posted on here 19 days ago about the 1g protein/lb myth (2.2g/kg). I weighed in this morning at 133 lbs. My 4-day morning average is 132.85 lbs (60.26kg). I was following the 2g protein/kg bodyweight guideline. But it's really hard for me to get 120-121g protein in...
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    Anyone have their numbers of muscle to body fat % lost during cuts? How is it regaining lost muscle post cut?

    @orchardllc It sounds like we have the same scale make (if not the same model) and the same app from that company. Are you using a Homebuds scale (my model is black) with the Vitafit app? The Vitafit app shows me at 78.7% muscle mass, 17% body fat (I think the left over is bone mass). Pretty...