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  1. W

    Do you take rest from gym the whole week when you’re sick?

    @trap121 How about not commenting about subjects you're clearly not educated on, instead of giving people bad advice?
  2. W

    Do you take rest from gym the whole week when you’re sick?

    @trap121 This is terrible advice, and your comment about "sweating out antibodies" is ridiculous and untrue. Exercise does help boost the immune system, and some very light exercise while sick with a head cold can increase blood flow - but "sweating out the cold" is a myth and is not possible...
  3. W

    Do you take rest from gym the whole week when you’re sick?

    @blueskies88 You're correct OP, this is very bad advice. Your body needs rest when you are sick, not to be pushed with a hard workout. Also, it's very inconsiderate to go to a public gym (or any public place) while sick. Don't listen to this commenter
  4. W

    Do you take rest from gym the whole week when you’re sick?

    @blueskies88 Please do not go to the gym if you are displaying any cold symptoms whatsoever. You are contagious with a cold/flu until the symptoms have completely subsided. I would recommend waiting at least a full 10 days after the illness started, before going back to the gym. Or longer, if...