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    How do you pump yourself up to go hard?

    @ilovejesus90 Nice perspective!
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    How do you pump yourself up to go hard?

    @nathan2018 I’ll look into the GZCL program. And I’ll probably do what you said, test myself on closer to a 2-3 rep max so I don’t scare myself about pulling a muscle or something. I appreciate the comment!
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    How do you pump yourself up to go hard?

    @nathan2018 See I find the amount of weight to be the hardest thing. Like yes my program says to do squats but it obviously doesn’t tell me how much weight because it varies for everyone. So I’ll just squat like 80 lbs and be done, even though I CAN go heavier. I never know which lifts to do...
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    How do you pump yourself up to go hard?

    @ellenego So this is my problem. I only have a little time before the gym in the am so I don’t have time for like a full, complete breakfast with time to digest before workout. So at most I get like half a bagel and call it good, but I know it’s probably not enough. Working out in the morning...
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    How do you pump yourself up to go hard?

    @honeymoon A separate alarm for gym days is a great idea! Also I will watch this Ted talk, thank you!
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    How do you pump yourself up to go hard?

    @rosieisaposie I’d love to but I’d wake my husband up. Our schedules are slightly skewed by a few hours from one another. I could probably do some quieter ones but not like vacuuming or dishes :/ good suggestion though!
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    How do you pump yourself up to go hard?

    @bluejj342312 I really like spin classes so maybe I’ll try that. It’s a different form of exercise than what I’m doing but I’ll take it
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    How do you pump yourself up to go hard?

    @bradleyhiggins Haha I love this! Go you and your husband!
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    How do you pump yourself up to go hard?

    @nguyenkhoa Stronger by the day— writing it down!! Thank you!
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    How do you pump yourself up to go hard?

    @leemills Honestly I love the idea of CrossFit for that reason. They just program the workout for you and you’re with other people to motivate you… it honestly sounds great. I’ve been put off by it due to all the controversy (just fear of being injured since I hear it’s relatively common in...
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    How do you pump yourself up to go hard?

    @leemills This doesn’t cause you to feel sick/throw up? I find coffee on an empty stomach always makes me nauseous :/
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    How do you pump yourself up to go hard?

    @brianb6885 Oh my gosh this just reminded me, when I was a kid I did gymnastics and they would make us run for conditioning. I had read this book where the main character was tasked with literally carrying a young princess out of danger (like on her back) and she ran/hiked with the child on her...
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    How do you pump yourself up to go hard?

    @txlove I really like this advice. I think it will help me to know that I at least did ONE thing that day that tested my limits. I think I’ll start implementing this, thanks!
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    How do you pump yourself up to go hard?

    I’ve been making it into the gym somewhat regularly for about 6 months which is fantastic for me, but I’m barely getting stronger and I think (know) it’s because I just don’t have the motivation to like… try hard. I know motivation is a fleeting thing and I need to just do it but, as previously...