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  1. D

    How would you strategize this WOD?

    @priest4him Did this last week and finished around 36:51. I(female) scaled the weight to 65lb. Probably my biggest piece I’d advise is to scale the weight accordingly. The burpees catch up to you and the longer you do the workout the more burpees you have to do. I treated it a bit like a EMOM...
  2. D

    Help me with tips of how to actually get out of bed and make it to CrossFit! 😣

    @p77cf When I was doing 6am classes for a bit, I’d give myself a rule that I could skip only 1 class a week (out of the 4 days I’d go). This gave me a rule to stick by so I was able to start to build a habit of getting up early everyday but also some flexibility that if I didn’t sleep well or...