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  1. S

    12 WEEK FITNESS CHALLENGE!!! *updated from previous with suggestions!!* GOOGLE FORM TRACKING! START: JAN 12

    @saved071275 Awesome! Signing up for this as soon as I get home!
  2. S

    3 Things I learned walking 100,000 steps (48 miles!) in a single day, plus tips on long-distance walking:

    @katty143 Thanks so much!!! How are you feeling today, recovery wise?
  3. S

    3 Things I learned walking 100,000 steps (48 miles!) in a single day, plus tips on long-distance walking:

    @katty143 I first read your post when it was at the top of my reddit page (like, earlier yesterday) and I am STILL thinking about it!! You've totally inspired me to work towards this goal! Go you!!!