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  1. F

    “A woman shouldn’t be doing an Arnold split.”

    @jimjam You should be doing whatever you want to do. You should be doing whatever program you want to do people that say anything else or just assholes
  2. F

    What’s your experience eating far below calories for a small period of time?

    @austinsugden Be proud of yourself you’re doing amazing
  3. F

    What’s your experience eating far below calories for a small period of time?

    @austinsugden My experience I was constantly hungry but it worked. It was annoying the first like 10 days but then I slowly got used to it. Yeah, I had to have some sort of emergency honey around just for like a spoon here and there.
  4. F

    How do you bounce back to fitness after a bad mental health day/week/month/year?

    @christineleex3 What I would recommend if a go To The gym, no plan just go workout what seems fun enjoy it combine whatever you want. Then slowly get back to a program