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  1. E

    Easy Muscle: Day 1

    @eberzas How are you liking easy muscle? I have not purchased the program, but it sounds interesting.
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    New to Kettlebells after 3 years of training

    @sdfjkl Hereis a work book. I find it handy for tracking.,%20Agility%20and%20Warm%20Up%20Ideas/Intro_To_Kettlebells.pdf
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    DFW-inspired program I’m doing

    @richgsr7 Linear increases are likely possible at the beginning, but it will level off quickly. One question that Dan john mentioned once got me to think of maximizing progress. He asked how would you know if you are on the optimal program. He concluded that you would not know. Basically, I...
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    DFW W1D1: Second time through

    @jar1437 From my experience, I'll run dfw back to back then do easy strength. I read in the more kettlebell muscle book geoff neupert reccomend breaking up two rounds of his program with 8-12 weeks of easy strength. By my experience, it is a good reccomendation. I'm 37 and can't run dfw 3x in...
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    DFW W1D1: Second time through

    @jar1437 Keep up the good work. Last year I was running dfw with 20kg. I'm now going for my fifth run with 28kgs. I've added a ladder of pull-ups to this run. So cp, cp, cp, c, fsq, fsq, fsq and then pull-ups x3. I'll likely provide an update on how that works.
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    DFW completed - female perspective - 2x12 kg are still plenty

    @m2j9 I ran dfw at slight calorie deficit last year and went up two reps on each side two. I lost a few pounds, got stronger and was more vascular. I'd call your results a win.