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    Question from a russian dude

    @juancarlos yeah, you're right, i wasn't following kettlebell sport. It's existence is TIL :) and in general super happy with discussion as I learned a lot. My kettlebell exposure was: In my school you could pick kettlebell training as sports after 9th grade (read high school in American...
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    Question from a russian dude

    @xcalibre so now I'll consider and be on lookout for another kettlebell! thank you!
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    Question from a russian dude

    @xcalibre In "soviet school" i think it was mostly swings + clean + press + squat (the things that you can do with one arm basically), but the routine was quite limited i think due to "one arm exercise thing" i think. don't even remember doing Turkish get ups. Now yall got me interested in...
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    Question from a russian dude

    @cavitill 2012
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    Question from a russian dude

    @nelsa89 @kikicala made a great comment: as for me: I left Russia a while ago and not planning to come back as sorry for politics, but it's a fascist state now waging war, drowning in blood.
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    Question from a russian dude

    @golden1 Happy to share :)' oh and if decide to watch Brat - maybe worth starting with Brat 2 (which is cult classic) and it mostly takes place is US.
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    Question from a russian dude

    @deandrade 🙏
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    Question from a russian dude

    @deandrade I don’t think kettlebells were as popular after the collapse of the Soviet Union. Usually, it was grandpa’s kettlebell, solid steel from the 1970s or earlier. In the 1980s, kettlebells were still in vogue, but their popularity was fading. I vividly remember military men (service was...
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    Question from a russian dude

    @ses20042002 to be honest, our trainer had a pack of cigarettes falling from his jacket's front pocket, when he was showing how to do swings, sooooo i am far from "learned in school" in a proper sense, but maybe it is exactly what soviet kettlebell school was. weird times :)
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    Question from a russian dude

    @anon103 Took a screenshot and gonna use it for my insurance (just in case) :)))
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    Question from a russian dude

    @prayingkelly Every time I try to picture myself swinging two even 16kg kettlebells I see my knees crushed to pieces as I am really not sure that they both fit in between my legs. Still thinking about trying though.
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    Question from a russian dude

    @prayingkelly Ah asked a comment above! :) That now I am interested! I'm on 32kg and do basically only basics, all with one arm and feel that honestly I'm pushing my limits. Would it have benefits to lets say have 2 24kg or even 16kg?
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    Question from a russian dude

    @donaldsbo thank you!!! very nicely explained!👍
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    Question from a russian dude

    @googs fascinating stuff! and thank you soooo much for book recommendation! your comment should be a top post on its own! or a book ;) ah but Pavel is Belorussian :) I think he has Bachelors at Minsk Uni
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    Question from a russian dude

    @hunter101 when you get your book published? I am not joking! You know soooo much interesting stuff that you should really consider! (Sorry, it's very hard to not sound ironic on the internet nowadays, but honestly trying my best). Or maybe I can read something from you online? (I am into...
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    Question from a russian dude

    @anonymousgirl26 Oh thaaaanks! Amazing sum up and read :) Love kettlebell lore I started kettlebell because until was 17 I was 100% sure that Leo Tolstoy invented kettlebell when he was in military artillery division by putting a handle to the cannon projectile.
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    Question from a russian dude

    @anonymousgirl26 wow! interesting! thanks for info! by any chance you have some good links/articles how the split between the schools happened? me back again with nostalgia: kettlebell was always a thing that everyone had on their balcony and it was always only one. And now I'm wondering, if...
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    Question from a russian dude

    In no way mean to be mean or say that I know better, but want to express my cultural shock. I see that most of yall doing 2 kettlebells at the same time and to me, coming from Soviet school of kettlebell, it seems a bit "weird" as I was taught that a kettlebell is a single arm thingy. Also...