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    My biggest gains was in happiness. Thank you r/bodyweightfitness

    @peacelove Haha that's interesting cause pullup/handstand in a year was also my goal. I'm nowhere near but I also realised, some progress is still better than no progress ;)
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    My biggest gains was in happiness. Thank you r/bodyweightfitness

    @rccocina Some of my shirts were getting tighter in my back, shoulder and biceps. Not big enough difference for others to notice. I'm not sure if it's cause I got fatter or stronger but all in all I'm slowly chugging forward with my progress :)
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    My biggest gains was in happiness. Thank you r/bodyweightfitness

    @frankie4493 I really just stuck to the resources on this sub. I looked at the Primer Routine, I looked at the RR. I asked lots of questions on the daily beginner thread. I also use Antranik's website. Reddit recap tells me that my number one sub is here so I think that says a lot, haha.
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    My biggest gains was in happiness. Thank you r/bodyweightfitness

    @cbsmel Thanks! Yes I agree, I hope to strive for more in 2023!
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    My biggest gains was in happiness. Thank you r/bodyweightfitness

    At the beginning of this year I (21F) made a cliché new year resolution to start getting healthier. I wanted to make a difference for my mental health. I was like, ok, I'll do a program three times a week, every week. This year was my final 6 months of uni so I had to wrestle a graduation...