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  1. N

    [FORM CHECK] Squat 135lbs

    One thing you can try is to pause at the bottom. Take a lot of the weight off and go down to the hole, pause there for 2-5 seconds. Do 5-10 reps. I do this every few weeks, I find it helps with getting depth. I'd also do the squatters stretch...
  2. N

    [FORM CHECK] Squat 135lbs

    @denice65 Then she needs to break at the hips first and push her butt out more.
  3. N

    [FORM CHECK] Squat 135lbs

    @jada11 Is this high bar or low bar? It looks like your upper back might not be tight. Depending on if you are doing high bar or low bar will depend on whether you should break at the hips or knees first. Personally I angle my feet out more, it enables me to spread my thighs more and hit...
  4. N

    [PROGRESS] 3 years of powerlifting, BW 130 lb --> 155 lbs, SQ/BP/DL 300/143/308 lbs

    @csf Lol! That would be awesome. Seriously, good job, you should be proud. Your form is spot on (in fact, I'm very jealous of your sumo form - mine sucks) AND you are lifting heavy weights. An all around win.
  5. N

    [PROGRESS] 3 years of powerlifting, BW 130 lb --> 155 lbs, SQ/BP/DL 300/143/308 lbs

    @csf Good job! That shows your dedication and hard work! Fantastic progress. Although, if I'm being honest, I think it would have been awesome if you could have dug out your old gym uniform and worn that for the 2014 stuff.