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  1. N

    Hypertrophy Mesocycle Progression

    @foxmulder likely from 4 to 6 weeks of accumulation + one week dedicated for deload, depending on the level of your advancement (the more advanced you are the more fatique from accumulation thus the less you can handle in one take)
  2. N

    Weekly Question Thread - Week of 8/5/2019

    @caradke Just think of it in terms of accumulation:deload paradigm. If you go too hard, you will need to deload more often. Thus, you will give your muscles way less chance to grow. And going to failure shows little to no benefit compared to leaving few reps in tank. Be humble but not timid
  3. N

    Weekly Question Thread - Week of 8/5/2019

    @griffinwriter exactly :)
  4. N

    Weekly Question Thread - Week of 8/5/2019

    @tebbett the answer is no currently we know that the last (about 5) reps of a given set are most stimulating since they trigger high-treshold motor units which have the most potential to grow, we also know that it's quite hard to gauge your repetitions in reserve the farther you end from...