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    Anyone recommend a C&J program?

    @stringplayer Hire a coach that writes unique programming for an individuals specific needs
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    The answer was always kettlebells

    @faithinmet This sub is filled with crazy takes and ball washing. So by stay off reddit i just mean don't be in here if you don't have discernment.
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    The answer was always kettlebells

    @kazzalb Its not. Muscle grows with increasing load, work completed & efficiency of movement. Consistency. Then of course the "little things". Eat better & move heavier loads. Stay off reddit
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    The answer was always kettlebells

    @jim_68 this question needs to go die. like youre body recognizes resistance in the form of KB vs BB and refuses to grow when KB used. make good food choice, eat enough, sleep enough and keep adding load.
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    I don't understand S&S strength standards

    @khohanguc Depends on event & weight class
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    Program and Progression Question

    @holiness4 You shouldnt be writing your own programs
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    I don't understand S&S strength standards

    @lostanlooking its gotta be enjoyable :)
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    Question: Could someone translate the hieroglyphics that Levi posted on Youtube for me please?

    @kimgrogg i feel i give a significant amount away on my socials. demo vids, sample sessions, often with details in description. but its important to remember this is a snapshot of what i do as a whole - a piece to a much larger puzzle for a specific goal
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    I don't understand S&S strength standards

    @khohanguc people worship pavel. its.... weird, honestly. he's no doubt done a lot for KBs as a whole in the US. great business man. "HS" methods certainly have a place in training and can benefit many people. easy to learn and apply. but he's done nothing (that i can see) that makes him the...
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    I don't understand S&S strength standards

    @khohanguc why does his opinion matter to you? he doesnt know you and likely never will. why should you be able to do anything that is labeled "simple"? i mean, what is simple for one isnt for others. we're all different for a reason, regardless what society preaches. his opinion on "simple"...
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    I don't understand S&S strength standards

    @khohanguc the real question is - why do you care about S&S "standards"? why do you think what pavel says is the "standard"? i mean, train swings and getups all you want. be safe, train smart, and what happens happens. assigning value based on some guys opinion isnt worth it.
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    Is S&S really enough? Read mor for context. Im pretty new to this fitness thing

    @mr_loevinger Swings & getups are minimum & likely not enough for anything but getting better at swings & getups
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    Someone explain dfw to me like I’m 5

    @faithinmet I didnt miss anything. DFW is a programs of ladders. Dont be duped by Pavel's marketing
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    Someone explain dfw to me like I’m 5

    @eveyeve3362 It doesnt imply anything. Its just truth
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    Someone explain dfw to me like I’m 5

    @eveyeve3362 Going to have to eat better. Ladders arent magic
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    The Wolf

    @jwilson757 Thank for the link 🙏 serious load!
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    The Wolf

    @jwilson757 Is there vid of 2x44 snatches? Id love to see it! Its a goal of mine but yet to work up courage to even attempt. My best set with 40s is 10 but that extra 8kg...
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    Feeling after workout

    @tutrinhatpro Sounds like you need instruction
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    Feeling after workout

    @tutrinhatpro Its very light