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  1. B

    Resuming Simple and Sinister after a layoff

    @mag8166 I’m sorry, what is sport training? Is this a different kettlebell program than simple?
  2. B

    Resuming Simple and Sinister after a layoff

    @ant0099 You may be right, I’m not completely sure S&S is the right program. I like the Turkish Getup but I’m not a big fan of the kettlebell swings as the ballistic element can lend itself to injury and they are what caused my injury in the first place. I’m thinking a safer alternative to the...
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    Resuming Simple and Sinister after a layoff

    @ant0099 Thanks. Yeah from what I remember I spaced out in the middle of a 32K swing set and did not properly hinge when the weight came down to my torso level so I think the force of the deceleration went into my back. It actually didn’t take the full nine months to recover, but I just lost...
  4. B

    Resuming Simple and Sinister after a layoff

    I’ve restarted Simple & Sinister after a nine month layoff due to injury. Before the layoff I was close to achieving Simple, with a 32k swing and a consistent 28k Turkish getup which occasionally hit 32k. Then I pulled a muscle in my back from a bad swing and quit kettlebells for 9 months...