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  1. J

    Is 10 sets x 3 per week really too much volume?

    @khensu9 The "10-20 sets per week" recommendation is per muscle group, not total sets. 30 hard work sets per muscle group would be more than enough for most people.
  2. J

    Is 10 sets x 3 per week really too much volume?

    @warrenmjones85 Are you sure that's what they mean, the program authors? Because that does sound like a pretty ridiculous amount of volume to me. How is it even possible to do 25 or 35 consecutive sets of anything at 0-2 RIR and not be completely spent and unable to do even a single full rep?
  3. J

    Is 10 sets x 3 per week really too much volume?

    @warrenmjones85 What is a set? I don't have any experience with planche/FL programs, but I suspect a "set" might be somewhat different from, say, a set of 10-12 pull-ups that might take almost a minute and brings you close to muscle failure?
  4. J

    How many pullups are enough in a workout

    @johnblessed Muscle growth isn't the only way to increase performance. Many people can increase their performance on pull-ups by getting more reps in with good form, and thus increase their movement efficiency for example. Just look around this subreddit mate, there are tons of testimonials of...
  5. J

    How many pullups are enough in a workout

    @johnblessed Kind of missing the point there, mate.
  6. J

    How many pullups are enough in a workout

    @johnblessed Pyramids/ladders etc. are legitimate set schemes to get a lot of volume in; three hard working sets aren't always the perfect recipe. The Kboges program that's often recommended around here prescribes ten sets on some days and possibly more on ladder days, for example. A lot of...