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    If you are tall or heavy don't lose hope - full planche at 202cm 102kg/6'7 225lbs and other feats by heavyweight calisthenics athletes

    @bnowacek I've seen (relatively) many people at 6'/183cm with a full planche, and some of them are lighter than you. If you have heavy legs you'll have to get bigger upper body muscles too, a few years of training could get you to your goal or close if you do it in a well structured manner. I'm...
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    Coolest representations of calisthenics in movies, animation, video games and other media?

    @lotusflower Awesome, the top position of a front lever row!
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    [Progress] 2 years

    @faithwithobedience Thank you for satisfying my curiosity and keep up with the good work.
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    If you are tall or heavy don't lose hope - full planche at 202cm 102kg/6'7 225lbs and other feats by heavyweight calisthenics athletes

    @vic_torres Thank you, I would have liked to know this level was possible when I started training.
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    DIY Bench for Dragon Flags & Nordic Curls/GHR Guide

    @button I'd prefer to spend $2.50 on a lashing strap with a cam buckle instead of creating that gap to grab the edges of the board. The metal pipe is a bit expensive compared to a strap but the ergonomics can be better if it avoids the problem of the feet being pushed together. Though maybe the...
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    [Progress] 2 years

    @faithwithobedience I'm curious about one thing: what form of progressive overload did you use and what was your starting level? But the important thing is that you improved your physical and mental health, that's the biggest accomplishment.
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    DIY Bench for Dragon Flags & Nordic Curls/GHR Guide

    @button Looks cool, what was the cost of the metal parts? Also I wonder how the pool noodle feels with a strap alone, I've never tried it and it looks like a good solution against pressure and possibly for the strap pushing the feet together, which is a problem that remains if you solve the...
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    Iron cross unlocked after 5 years of struggle

    @kimbrown That stuff is heavy on the connective tissue, good for you for having innately strong tendons but for most people trying to do it in 5 months would results in serious injuries, not to mention it takes much strength too and few would be able to build it up in that timespan if starting...
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    Grease the groove experiment: from 8 to 13 tuck L-sit pullups in a month and a week

    @dawn16 So today you discovered you're stronger than you thought even when not in the best conditions.
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    Coolest representations of calisthenics in movies, animation, video games and other media?

    @benserink That's a cool example, I forgot that game had a lot of different parkour mechanics.
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    DIY Bench for Dragon Flags & Nordic Curls/GHR Guide

    @amandaoconnor Since it held during dragon flags it should support unassisted Nordic curls too. If the wooden board feels weak there's the option of nailing two of them together or reinforcing it with smaller planks.
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    If you are tall or heavy don't lose hope - full planche at 202cm 102kg/6'7 225lbs and other feats by heavyweight calisthenics athletes

    @jackjolly It also depends on the size of thighs and calves, and long arms could actually be good because they reduce the required lean angle, putting some muscles at a length where they can produce more force. I think there's more than a dozen athletes around 6'4 who've reached the full...
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    If you are tall or heavy don't lose hope - full planche at 202cm 102kg/6'7 225lbs and other feats by heavyweight calisthenics athletes

    @dawn16 There are some very tall athletes who are around 80kg/176lbs or below, for example Ievgen Shcherbyna, and the Bar Giants page has more examples. Thin legs allow for a thinner upper body, as long as there's at least some decent upper body muscle mass, some people have longer tendon...
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    Grease the groove experiment: from 8 to 13 tuck L-sit pullups in a month and a week

    @dawn16 Good luck if you try. I could have had even better results if my sleep schedule was better and I wasn't trying to change it to earlier hours.
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    1 Year Progress Post! (Lots of Info)

    @iroro1 I prefer an actual weight not attached to something, a fixed object can work too even if the amount of assistance is more subjective.
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    Grease the groove experiment: from 8 to 13 tuck L-sit pullups in a month and a week

    @dawn16 So is your plan doing GTG with the overhand grip?
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    [Transformation/Progress] roughly a year of the RR, Calisthenics and weighted Calisthenics

    @sisterbecky216 To make pushups better, both archers and one arms, you can keep the elbow very close to the body, this will also allow you to go chest to floor and reduce the risk of shoulder impingement. How much do you incorporate handstand pushups and straight bar dips into your routine? Do...